Friday, July 2, 2010

The figures behind the published unemployment figures


Job Report Show that Economic Rebound May be Stalling

Unemployment numbers don't tell the whole story, according to this article unemployment is at 9.5%; however these numbers don't reflect real unemployment. The 9.5% calculation only reflects individuals on the roles of unemployment, real unemployment includes individuals who are under employed, not receiving unemployment, individuals who do not qualify for unemployment and individuals who have stopped looking for work. Calculating unemployment is no easy task, as there is no easy way to measure and count individuals who are chronically underemployed, self-employed (but income has dropped off a cliff), or have gone back to school in the hopes of improving their worth in the employment market.

U-6 statistics published by Joint Economic Committee present a more realistic picture of unemployment. According to this group unemployment in May was closer to 16%, almost double the rates published by the labor department. When we look at African American real unemployment figures the numbers are startling and concerning as the African American real rate of unemployment is 22.1%. If we drill down into the numbers, we find that nearly 20% of African Americans are unemployed or underemployed, African American males with college degrees have an unemployment rate of 8.2% compared to similar white males who stand at 4.5%.

While African Americans have made strides in closing the equality gap in terms of wages and breaking the glass ceiling, there still appears to be a systematic problem when it comes to employment. However, I don't think this gives African Americans an excuse to say the man has is holding them down, cause their has never been a better time in the history of this country for African Americans to improve their economic condition, through education, employment opportunities and entrepreneurship.

As a group African Americans need to start exercising their economic power through supporting "Black Owned Businesses", employing African Americans, and supporting businesses that are committed to diversity.  The fact is that in a consumer driven society/economy the only thing that talks is greenbacks, so speak loudly with your dollars, if you want to see equality in employment.

Financial Advisers, Losing Clients, Revamp Strategies

Financial Advisers, Losing Clients, Revamp Strategies

When the economy starts taking out the financial professionals, things have gotten really bad. No, actually the rolls of individuals calling themselves financial advisers had swollen in recent years with the lure of fat paychecks, and lavish lifestyles. This down turn is exactly what we needed though, as individuals now understand the value of planning for risk as well as accumulation. When I was in the business I saw the tide starting to turn in that direction, however I did not have the resources or talent to survive losing clients faster than I could add new ones.

Monday, February 22, 2010

We need jobs, jobs, jobs and more jobs.

L.A. and Long Beach ports are loading up on jobs -

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Too early to call it a recovery, but it is good to see an increase in goods flowing through the ports. It would be great if we started to export more goods than we import reversing the trade imbalance. [The balance of trade is the difference between a nation's exports of goods and services and its imports of goods and services, if all financial transfers, investments and other components are ignored. A nation is said to have a trade deficit if it is importing more than it exports. ~Wikipeda]

It is popular to dog on free trade, but the truth is free trade is good for the world’s economy, as long as everyone has something to bring to the table. Let us face it, we are not competitive when it comes to cheap low skilled labor, there are far too many poor people around the world willing to work for pennies an hour. Thus, it is only natural that the production of cheap goods has shifted overseas. Our only hope is to compete on superior service, quality, and innovation.

So go create something fresh, trendy, and high-end to sell to the growing middle classes of China and India. The cheap dollar makes our goods and services very attractive to overseas consumers. The cheap dollar and ubiquitous nature of internet, we all have the ability to enter these growing markets and become capitalist. It is the only way we will be able to sustain our current lifestyle in the global economy. (If you believe, it is sustainable) How long can we keep exchanging IOU's (dollars, greenbacks, bonds) for cheap foreign goods?

YOU ARE EITHER A CAPITALIST OR A VICTIM OF CAPITALISM and most of us are the latter. Remember 75% of our economy is dependent US consuming goods and services, which means that the real capitalist have devised a very clever system to part us with our money. Knight, Ralph, Tommy, Jobs, and Dell got us in the grip; why you think they come out with a new line every year? Hint: it isn’t because the new one is that much better.

What do you think it means when they say we are a service-based economy? “To protect and serve.” The police state
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